One of the best kept secrets is using your FSA and HSA dollars for breastfeeding items. FSA/HSA is when you take money out of your paycheck pre-taxed for eligible items. Common items used for breastfeeding like portable and light weight breast pumps , breast pump bags, on the go breastmilk storage chillers and bags are definitely eligible. But what about Nursing and Pumping Bras? Are nursing pads eligible too? I have personally been through this process with my own breastfeeding journey, so let me answer all of your questions to how to get your FSA and HSA dollars spent on pumping and nursing bras!  

pumping bra with pumpables breast pump flanges

Are Pumping Bras FSA Eligible? 

The short answer is YES! Pumping bras are FSA and HSA eligible for breastfeeding moms. The insurance company will ask for an itemized receipt for your purchase, but once submitted, you can be reimbursed for the purchase. The catch - the title of the pumping bra you purchase needs to say "pumping bra" on the receipt. So if it just shows the brand style name or says bra/cami without the word pumping, make sure to reach out for a receipt that says "pumping bra" instead. 

How many pumping bras do I need?

It is recommended to have a minimum of 2-3 pumping bras as a breastfeeding mom. One to wear, one to wash, and one as a spare. If you are pumping all day long or exclusive pumping, we recommend more than 3+ so you don't have to be washing all the time. Our favorite are the Davin & Adley Pumping Cami 3 pack Bundles. You can grab your favorite colors at an amazing deal and have plenty of extra pumping bras on hand! One for every day of the week!

Are Nursing Bras FSA Eligible?

Nursing Bras and bras that are not meant for combo nursing and pumping are not FSA and HSA eligible. Only bras specific to pumping breastmilk are considered a medical item. It is a much better investment to buy combo nursing and pumping bras so you can submit them for FSA Eligibility. Not all pumping bra websites are set up to accept FSA cards, so make sure you use a regular credit card for the initial transaction, and submit receipt for reimbursement after. *Remember that once you receive the FSA reimbursement, those items are no longer returnable to the store. 

 riley pumping bralette with mom cozy M5 pump

Can Nursing Bras be used for pumping?

 Not all nursing bras are meant for pumping. Most nursing bras are specific to nursing at the breast only. It is rare to find combo nursing and pumping bras, but those are the best options for moms who combo feed and switch back and forth between nursing and pumping. If you are looking for the best 3 in 1 pumping bra that works for nursing, pumping with flanges and pumping with wearable breast pumps, the holy grail of pumping bras is the Amelia Pumping and Nursing Crop Cami. 

FSA eligible pumping bras and nursing pads

Are Nursing Pads FSA/HSA Eligible? 

The same as pumping bras, nursing pads are eligible for FSA and HSA reimbursement! Nursing pads are classified as an essential medical item so both disposable and reusable nursing pads will qualify. You will need to change nursing pads often so disposable can get expensive. It's best to invest in quality nursing pads that are washable and reusable and will last you not only this breastfeeding journey but future ones as well. My top recommendation are the reusable Paisley Nursing Bra Liners that are hypoallergenic and quick drying and already approved for FSA/HSA reimbursement! 

reusable nursing pads


If you are wondering if pumping bras are worth it, I can tell you after breastfeeding 3 children over 8 years combined, you need to invest in your breastfeeding success and buy yourself a pumping bra. Yes, you can pump without a pumping bra and hold your breast pump flanges for 30 minutes at a time, multiple times a day. That probably sounds terrible to you as a new or expecting mom, and I can confirm that it is! You will want to multi task while pumping and if nothing else, spend time playing with your little one.

You can make a pumping bra by cutting holes in sports bras or tube tops, but that also will leave you frustrated with them ripping on you and heavy pumping bottles not supported. And of course, you can't walk around with holes cut into your bra all day. You should continue to wear a bra after pumping for support, so you will need to change in and out of a different bra just for pumping. Now you see why pumping bras are necessary! 


riley pumping bra with pumpables flanges

What Size Pumping Bra Do I Need? 

 It can be difficult to find the right size pumping and nursing bra, especially if you are still expecting. To find which pumping bra is the best fit for you, check out this interactive pumping and nursing bra size guide. If you are looking for a pumping bra for busty sizes or size inclusive pumping and nursing bras in plus sizes 1x, 2x, 3x, grab a tape measure and you can find everything you are looking for on this nursing and pumping bra size guide


What Other Breastfeeding Products Can I Buy With My FSA/HSA Dollars? 

If you have purchased all the pumping bras you need, it's time for a breast pump bag! We highly recommend a large backpack style pumping bag for bigger breast pumps like Spectra, but also a portable breast pump bag for your cordless breast pumps like Pumpables and Baby Buddha. My top recommendation are the Vegan Leather Breast Pump Bags by Mimiandpal. Save 10% off your purchase with code: DAVINANDADLEY

Make sure you use those dollars before the end of the year or you will lose them!


For more pumping and nursing bra tips and tricks, demos and more, follow @davinandadley on Instagram!

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